Why You So Crazy Media - 22 album reviews, 1 song review, 2 interviews and 5 articles.
March 20, 2024Rockmaker Reviews
Man, for the past two years now, I have had this big intention to completely redo everything (as I'm sure I mentioned before), but life kept making it not happen. Mostly from getting stuck in my own head.
Just so there is something to post, here is a roundup of a couple dozen Rockmaker reviews I quickly gathered. So quickly in fact, I didn't even bother with the layout or background.
Rockmaker Reviews
October 19, 2023 - Odd Formatting Issue Remains. Boring update
Totally forgot to try to fix the formatting problem on the left column, until I went back to it and saw it gone, and lost my shit for a couple seconds. Classic "What the fuck did I break this time??" moment.
Behind the scenes, I have been working on something, but I am so... bad at this whole website thing, I doubt any of it will see the light of day. Stay tuned. I guess.
Some DW update from the past X amount of time:
- New album, Rockmaker, is "close" to being released. I haven't actually heard a date yet, but in March, they sold tickets to a Rockmaker Listening Party at Oddy. Limited to 100 people. I was not one. Anyway, this has been quite the lengthy project. The first time it came up was in a graphic posted around the time that Monkey House came out. Following that, as long ago as 2011, Rockmaker was announced on the official site as a new album coming out at some point. So, either this has been quite the lengthy history already or they repurposed the name.
- Two tracks from the album have been released: The first official single, Summer Of Hate, came out a couple days ago as I type this, and the AI-created video for it came out a few days before that. But that's not it. A few months ago, the band released a remixed version of a Rockmaker track titled "I Will Never Stop Loving You." Debbie Harry is part of the original/non-remixed track.
- If you have a lot of extra money and are dying to fill in holes in your album collection - or wanting to add various titles in your album collection - in the past year, the band has released some various new pressings of different items. Various other vinyl colors, with some pretty low print runs. Poke around the official site, and you'll find the links to at least some of them, or just check bandcap.com.
Anyway, there you go: some content.
August 19, 2022 - Odd Formatting Issue
I noticed that loading up the site today in Chrome is not showing the left menu bar. Which is pretty important unless you only want to see all the newest news from 8 years ago or Why You So Crazy information. It's looking fine in Firefox and Edge, though. Anyway, the problem will probably fix itself, or it's some setting I changed that screwed it up on my end and this whole thing will not make any sense to anyone. We'll see...
Still not dead...
January 26, 2019 - Holy Shit! Content!
Words linking to the words of others. AKA: Reviews and shit.
October 5, 2017 - I'm Not Dead...
While it seems that this site has died, it is more apt to say that it's in a coma.
The real world got in my way for quite a while, and I just never really had it in me to get this back on track once things settled back down.
I'm really not sure what will happen from here, but I do know that my intent is to finally get it going again. Though, that doesn't mean it will happen.
May 4, 2014 - Intensified
In honor of Courtneys favorite movie ever, I added Intensified.
OK, it being uploaded on Star Wars Day is a coincidence and in no way relates to the song.
April 29, 2014 - New Songs Info
Holy shit, an update!
So, let's try to get this place going again, shall we?
On the bands latest tour, they are apparently playing three new songs. On the setlist, they are referred to as "Girls," "Gotta Get Over" and "Come Back." At the very least, I have not heard of any plausible correlation to those brief song references and existing songs.
But we do have more information. "Girls" is apparently also knowsn as Girls In London and you can give it a listen if you want. In pre-song banter, Courtney described it as being recorded for a single. So, look for that to happen. For the record, Courntey said one single has been recorded and, at the time of the interiew, another one was about to be recorded/finished. No word on which one that might be, but seemed like the latter of the two.
On Dandysrule2, Aaron also mentions that one of the songs played is a cover of the reggae song Intensified, but turned pop. Reading the lyrics, no clue what that might line up with, or if it's a 4th new song.
Update: A setlist from a later show confirmed that Intensified is called "Intesified". Who would have thought?
Still looking for info on the other new tracks, so let me know if you run into them.
January 23, 2014 - Holiday Shows; First Concert Of The Year; 20th Anniversary Coming Up
OK, So the holiday shows -- the full concert and the musical score show -- were OK. Well, the full concert more so. This year, the score show just didn't work for me. Way too experimental. Anyway, the full show was full of all the standard songs, along with the debut of a new song, named Crimson. It definitely had the vibe of a Monkeyhouse outtake.
A few days after that, the band played 3 shows that were streamed over the Internet for cheap (I paid $5 per show), but I slept through 2 of them and forgot about the third. So, I missed out on that. I did see that the third show contained Not Your Bottle, Good Morning, Used To Be Friends and Crimson. If I get around to it, I'll post a copy of it.
So, new year, new shows. The band is scheduled to perform at the inaugural Suburbia Music Festival in Plano, Texas on May 2nd and 3rd. It is doubtful that the band is playing both days, but their slot has not been announced yet. Tickets go on sale January 25th if you're so inclined.
And don't forget: We are just 4 days away from the 20th anniversary of the bands first show ever.
December 12, 2013 - Not Dead
OK, so it has been an interesting summer/fall, including my site getting hacked, and having to rebuild from the ground up, for the most part. Anyway, lots of big developments this year, which I am sure you are all aware of, so I will skip them. Instead, new news.
With the upcoming holiday season approaching, we are just a few days away from the annual christmas shows, and the second-annual 'score to live music' shows. So, hopefully those will get me in the mood to update after the setbacks this year.
Thanks for your patience.
June 11, 2013 - Article/Interview Clearinghouse
Here are a bunch of various recent articles and interviews I've been procrastinating putting up:
Cult Montreal interview with Pete
Clevescene interview with Zia
WYEP interview with Brent
Village Voice interview/article with Zia
Pittsburgh City Paper interview with Zia
Pittsburgh Post Gazette article about the band
Washington Examiner article/interivew with Courtney
Topspin article about the bands website, ticketing and other topics
Chicago Innerview interview with Courtney
And I am assuming you have already gone out and bought the re-release of 13 Tales From Urban Bohemia, right? Right.
(Too lazy to make a new entry for this):
The Dandy Warhols will be playing July 27th in Austin, at the Stubbs Waller Creek Amphitheater. This is a free show and tickets can be requested at this website.
June 7, 2013 - Boho Home Demo
Rolling Stone magazine has released the demo for Bohemian Like You through their website.
I am sure there are ways to not listen to it streaming, though.
June 6, 2013 - Amoeba Records Instore; Lee Hazelwood Tribute Album
OK, so I got the concerts updated and all good there. Let's get to some real news.
The band will be playing an instore appearance at Amoeba Record in San Francisco on June 15th, at 3pm. This is the same day that the remastered version of 13 Tales comes out. You guys do know about that at least, right? Good.
Courtney recorded a cover of Lee Hazelwoods "Look At That Woman" for a tribute album to the aforementioned artists album "Trouble Is A Lonesome Town." The project, being spearheaded by Frank Black and under the name Thriftstore Masterpiece, will be released on July 9th.
May 1, 2013 - Site News; Band News
No, no, I have not abandoned all 1 of you reading. I have had medical problems that made updating impossible. Things are picking up, so I hope to get things caught up by the end of the month.
And just in time, since there are massive things going on right now. So make sure you are checking out the official site.
November 18, 2012 - .Schedule Change: Nov. 24th Berlin Show Cancelled
The November 24th show in Berlin has been cancelled, and the band has sheduled instead to play the Melkweg in Amsterdam, Netherlands again. Adjust travel plans accordingly.
November 14, 2012 - .Autumn Carnival Video; Another PDX holiday show
The Dandy Warhols released a video for Autumn Carnival on Spinner. Mostly it's some kid walking around an old carnival/boardwalk area. Has a very british/Something Wicked This Way Comes feel to it.
Since w last spoke, the band also announced a third holiday show in Portland, but this one is a bit of an odd duck. It is them playing along to old silent films, at the Mission Theater on December 15th. There is also a package available where you can have a 5-course dinner with the band beforehand. No word if the music being played will be Warhols songs, or if they are going to be composed to match the films played. More information on this show can be found at The official site.
November 4, 2012 - .2012 PDX Xmas Shows
The band is playing at least 2 holiday shows this year, at the Doug Fir Lounge on Dec. 16th. The first show starts at 6pm and is all ages, followed by a 21+ that starts at 9pm. No word on any other shows at other venues yet, or openers. But I am sure the usual suspects will be involved (maybe 1775 again, or Hawkeye or The Shibas, etc).
November 3, 2012 - .Australia Pre- and Afterparties; Pete's Birthday
Been really quiet lately. But a couple things popped up that I figured I would mention. Been procrastinating for a week on them, and since the first one is 5 days away, I really should mention them.
Before the bands Australia mini-tour kicks off, Zia is doing a DJ set in Melbourne. It takes place on November 8th at Boutique. A couple bands are also playing earlier in the night, and who knows who else might show up...
On a more Dandy-specific note, when the band is in Fremantle on November 13, for their show with Silversun Pickups, they are doing an aftershow at Geisha, with Zia again DJing. For this one, tickets need to be bought in advance. For information and to buy tickts, go to Geisha's homepage (See that, people? You can have a real homepage. You don't need fucking Facebook).
Oh, and happy 43rd birthday to Peter Holmstrom.
September 28, 2012 - .Purtland Benefit Show
Zia has organized an October 7th show in Portland to help bring attention to a local political issue and rainse money/gather signatures for a petition. It will be taking place at/outside Rotture & Branx and there will be 17 local bands and members of bands on three stages through the day, including 1776, Y La Bamba, The Shivas and Builders and the Butchers. The cost will be a $10 to $20 donation on a sliding scale. From what I can tell, you pay when you get there, as there are no tickets for sale for it.
One thing of note is that Brent won't be doing the drumming for the show, as he will be at home and on tour with Immigrant Union in Australia at the time. So, Vic The Stick (Victoria Porter) will be drumming. She is most known locally for being the drummer for the live karaoke band, Karoke From Hell.
If anyone cares about the issue, without going too deeply into the facts of the situation: The city of Portland wants to put fluoride in the water, and some wackjobs think this is a bad idea. It isn't. So, the petition is to let people vote for it rather then letting the elected City Council do their job and decide the issue themselves. They are wrong. So, if you do go, be prepared to have this garbage shoved down your throat repeatedly.
But, it should be a good concert at least.
September 18, 2012 - More Tour Info: Australia & Europe
This should have been posted the day after my last post, but I forgot. Anyway, more tour info:
First off, while the details have not been announced, the Dandy Warhols will be playing with Silversun Pickups in Australia in two sideshows from the main Harvest Festival. The shows are in Adelaide and Perth, and common sense says that they will be between the 12th and the 16th, but that doesn't mean that will happen. Specifics coming Thursday the 20th.
UPDATE: The shows were announced:
Nov. 13 - Fremantle; Arts Centre
Nov. 15 - Adelaide; HQ
In more specifics, the following shows have been added to the European tour:
Nov. 23 - Utrecht, Netherlands; Tivoli de Helling
Dec. 9 - Basel, Switzerland; Kaserne
And I missed an Immigrant Union date, due to computer error:
Oct. 20 - Melbourne, Australia; Velvet Room (JamGrass)
September 11, 2012 - Lots Of Tour Info
I've been falling behind again. Fucking real life.
A lot more tour dates have been announced lately, with both another European (well, mostly France) Warhols tour and an Australian Immigrant Union tour.
Dandy Warhols in Europe:
Nov. 22 - London, U.K.; Heaven
Nov. 24 - Berlin, Germany; Columbiahalle at the Eurock Marathon
Nov. 26 - Gent, Belgium; Vooruit
Nov. 27 - Rouen, France; Le 106
Nov. 29 - Paris, France; Le Trianon Hall
Nov. 30 - Mulhouse, France; Noumatrouff
Dec. 1 - Besançon, France; La Rodia
Dec. 3 - Toulouse, France; Le Bikini
Dec. 4 - Bordeaux, France; Le Rocher de Palmer
Dec. 5 - Clermont-Ferrand; La Cooperative de Mai
Dec. 7 - Nantes, France; Le Stereolux
Dec. 8 - Lille, France; L’Aéronef
Immigrant Union in Australia (with Roytson Vasie):
Oct. 4 - Melbourne; Workers Club
Oct. 5 - Newcastle; Great Northern Hotel
Oct. 6 - Sydney; Kings Cross Hotel
Oct. 12 - Brisbane; Ric's Bar
Oct. 13 - Gold Coast; The Loft
Oct. 18 - Ballarat; Kardova Lounge
Oct. 19 - Melbourne; Ding Dong Lounge
The Upcoming Concerts listing is up-to-date right now, I think, and includes a second Harvest Festival show added in Australia on Nov. 10th.
I am sure they will still do the yearly Portland Xmas show(s), but being in Europe so late into December is pretty rare. We'll see what happens.
August 15, 2012 - Video for Alternative Power To The People & An Interview About Said Video
The band released the video for Alternative Power To The People and Courtney did a short interview with the Huffington Post for it.
August 14, 2012 - Courtneys Wine Available For Pre-Order; More Summertime Blues
Time to crib from the official site, which means there is no excuse for you to not already know this:
OK, so for the past few months, while on tour, Courtney has been talking about tasting wines in order to come up with a wine of his own to release. Well, he came to a decision, and now the first vintage is up for pre-sale. It's a 2010 wine called Chateau Taylor Taylor Bocca d'Avolo. It is available now for pre-order (U.S. only) for $22.98 a bottle.
Update: To add some flesh to this update - or as someone put it, "You don't say anyting substantial for weeks and then whe you do, it's a retread of a dw.com story?! - here is Courtney and Brent playing Summertime Blues at Wrigley Field in Chicago.
August 6, 2012 - Upcoming Sessions Streaming
WNYE, in New York, is streaming an in-studio session they did with Courtney and Brent this Friday at 11am (New York time), at their website. This was recorded back when they were on tour a few months ago, and they put some of the songs on their website as well, if you don't want to be bothered with trying to hear it live.
July 23, 2012 - Site Updates: "This Day In History" Revisited; Archives
OK, I believe I have the problem sorted out in the This Day... section on the right-hand side, though I still plan on putting a title on it eventually. Let me know if anyone has any problems.
I do want to clear up something I was wrong about before in my explanation of it. When you mouse-over the top of the links, the pop-ups don't show the concert posters/setlists/memorabilia on them. To see them, you have to click on each individual link, then go to the link to that actual concert. Sorry for the confusion. I don't think that there is any way for me to fix or change it without an absolute shitload of work on my part (hand-coding the stuff for every individual item, and there are over 400 items) and I'm just too lazy to do all of that. Believe me, I am well aware how awesome it would be to see each one on the front page every day. Forgive me.
If there are any other problems, email me at jmcgrott@slabtown.net and let me know.
Also, I have archived a lot of the old stuff and just left all the updates since the release of This Machine. All of the old news is now in the Archived News Menu. If anyone cares to know, the gap between most of 2004 and 2007 was a combination of when I was using the other news updating system (before it got hijacked and I went back to this crap) and a time I was just not able to update much. Also, 2008 is broken and I can't figure out why. Anyway, that archiving should help this front page load faster now, since the "This Day" section slows it down as well.
Now, if you got this far, here is a hidden bit of upcoming Immigrant Union news (if I haven't mentioned it before. I heard about it a couple weeks ago and I'm too lazy to check): They will be in the U.S at the Americana Music Festival & Conference in Nashville on September 14th. They are working on being able to play more U.S. dates while here, but no word yet on any. If anyone is interested in getting them to spread their tour, let me know and I will contact the band and find out the best way to do that.
Update: Dammit! I just noticed that fixing the problem on the front page totally fucked up all the images for the main gigography pop-ups. I'm... well, I was going to make a joke that might be considered tasteless by ridiculous people, so I'll just say I'm not happy. I am not sure what solution yet I will take for this. No sir, I don't like this. I don't like this one bit!
July 15, 2012 - The Dandy Warhols Came Down 15 Years Ago
Today marks the 15th anniversary of the wide release of ...The Dandy Warhols Come Down (the vinyl version came out 2 weeks earlier), which to many people is still the pinnacle of the bands career. (Edit/Note: To answer a question I got, no I personally do not feel this to be the case at all.)
It was pretty cool at the time, for sure, being the bands Capitol Records release. There was a lot of excitement, especially because of the amount of international attention all of the Portland music scene was getting at the time, and the rumors and speculations that had been going around the whole time about both the albums and the bands status; Even then, articles in the paper discussed if Eric had or hadn't left the band, and The Black Album was known to have happened at that point, and slowly copies were being heard. But this all just made for more interest in what Come Down would be.
The first time I heard it, I was at a club in Portland (Satyricon) a month or two before it came out, and in between bands, the sound guy was playing the advanced copy of the album. As soon as I heard Boys Better, I knew what it was and rushed up to see what was going on. Boys Better had already been being played at live shows, so it was familiar. So, I got up there and was looking at the case, writing down the song titles so I could post them later on the original Dandysrule mailing list that Kali ran. I asked the guy if I could have it, and of course it was an emphatic no. But I had to try. Ultimately, I ended up getting a copy a couple weeks later. And it was just like coming home to a home you didn't know you ever left. But you all know that.
So, today, go dig out a copy of the album (I am hoping you don't have to dig far) and remember some great music. Happy anniversary.
July 9, 2012 - New Front Page Material (for Now)
If you didn't notice, on the right sode of the screen, I have added a new "feature," a "This Day In History" section, that will show notable events for today and tomorrow (relative to the day you are looking at it, of course). If you click on a link, you will go to that events entry in the gigography.
Please note that it should be considered to be in beta, as I am not completely happy with the way that it is working. The biggest problem is that when you do mouse-overs and there are pop-ups, such as posters, etc., they are obscured by the rest of the page. I am working on fixing this, but haven't figured out how yet without redesigning my whole website. I also just don't like the size proportion compared to the left menu. Which I should be doing anyway. Anyway, because of that, I might get frustrated at some time and just take it down.
Edit: Yep, I really am not liking the way that the pop-up goes under the main screen (also, it is only on the front page. Not sure if I will take the time to put it on every page). It takes away a lot of the effect. Still trying to fix that. In the meantime, if you go to the Upcoming Events page, you can see the same list, but without it being blocked.
June 26, 2012 - Courtneys Glen Campbell Performances
The tracks Courtney played at the Glen Campbell Tribute portion of his show:
Daydream Believer
Last Train To Clarksville
I Get Around
June 22, 2012 - Courtney Playing At Glen Campbell "Farewell Show" Sunday; Greek Show Cancelled
As a reminder, Courtney is playing this Sunday down in L.A. at the final L.A. show for Glen Campbell (a year or so ago, he was diagnosed with Alzheimers). It goes without saying (though I am now saying it) that it's a good bet that he will be playing on the song "Strong," which Courtney appeared with on Campbells last album.
After Show Update: For the sole purpose of making me look stupid, Courtney sang "Daydream Believer," "Last Train To Clarksville" (both with Campbell) and "I Get Around" at the Glen Campbell show. And apparently didn't sing them too well: "his deep voice made it sound like The Addams Family's manservant Lurch was saluting Campbell."
Popping over to the official site, they have announced that the July 12th show in Greece has been cancelled, "due to the political developments and adverse conditions." adjust your plans accordingly.
June 19, 2012 - Immigrant Union This Weekend
Wasting no time getting back home, Brent is playing with Immigrant Union this weekend:
Friday, June 22nd at the Annandale Hotel, in Sydney.
Saturday, June 23rd at the Workers Club in Melbourne.
Told you I was planning on getting around to updating about side projects.
Update: Another Immigrant Union show added, for later this year, August 3 at Northcote Social Club in Northcote, outside Melbourne.
June 18, 2012 - Warhols Playing Harvest Festival; Summertime Blues
I was sure as hell that I mentioned this a month ago, but looking back, apparently I never did. I know I put them in the gigography.
The Dandy Warhols are playing at the Harvest Festival, down in Australia, in November:
November 11: Melbourne, Australia - Werribee Park
November 17: Sydney, Australia - Parramatta Park
November 18: Brisbane, Australia - Riverstage
Expect more shows to be added, along with possible Brush Prairie & Immigrant Union shows.
Courtney and Brent recently added Summertime Blues to the repertoire.
June 10, 2012 - Win Tickets To Seattle Show
Quick and easy: SSGMusic is giving away tickets to the seattle show.
Easy Street Records wants to get in on the action, too.
June 10, 2012 - SITE NEWS: Brand New Gigography Up
As longtime readers know, a while back, things went downhill and I fell behind on a lot of things (Most of which isn't caught up yet). In the case of the Gigography, I was not happy with the layout of it anymore. So, rather than update the existing format, I redid the whole thing.
So, over the past few months, I have been entering all the shows in, and it is now available. It includes almost all known shows and radio/television appearances (932 and counting), as well as associated posters (for over 350 shows), setlists (nearly 200 shows having full/partial setlists), reviews and all other sorts of related materials. In addition, there is a lot of historical information about the band, such as linking every show to the day they played, for a "This Day In History" feature and significant events in the bands past, such as song debut and album release dates. Also, there is an included search engine, allowing easier location of exact information. So, if you want to know how many known times Get Off has been performed in Auckland, you can.
To get to this new format, either use the left-hand menu or go directly to the new Gigography. For additional help navigating it, go to the Calendar Help Index page.
The calendar isn't 100% complete, and never will be. I will continue to be updating it as long as the website is around, with more information. Currently, I am doing more setlists and will head into reviews after that. So, let me know if you have any suggestions, feedback, submissions or any other problems.
Hope you find it worth your time.
June 8, 2012 - Magnet Magazine Featuring The Dandy Warhols; Free Download Of Irving Plaza Show
At first I've been just adding these to the article section in the This Machine Media page, but with as many as there are now, I figure I will mention them on the front page.
Magnet Magazine has a feature where they have guest editors, titled "From The Desk Of" and right now, the Dandy Warhols are the featured editors. I am not sure how many of these they will be doing, but the last artist (Ian Astbury) did 14 and before that (Garbage) did 29. I'll add new ones on this front page as they appear.
NYCTaper has an approved copy of the bands June 5th show at Irving Plaza in New York. It's a pretty good setlist, most notably including Lou Weed, so I recommend picking it up. The MP3 version is 263MB in size, and you can request a FLAC version (much higher quality format) if you wish. The great thing about this is that the recording and it's release is band-approved.
June 7, 2012 - This Machine Charts: CMJ drops to #17
In the newest CMJ chart, which I first talked about yesterday, This Machine has dropped down to #17.
June 6, 2012 - This Machine Charts: Top 10 for CMJ & Highest Ever on Billboard; New Boho-infused Mashup
This sort of snuck up on me, but This Machine has shown up in the top 10 of the latest charts for College Music Journal, at #10. Quite a surprise, considering how long it has been out. I checked the charts there when it was released, but when it didn't show up, I didn't check again. Looking back, it debuted at #42, then climbed weekly to #16, 13 and 11. Will have to keep an eye out now, I suppose. New list comes out in a day or so.
This spurred me to check out the Billboard charts, and actually, This Machine made it into the top 100 on May 12th, at #88 (as well as a number of their other minor charts that same week). What is notable is that this is the bands highest chart position ever in the U.S. It promptly disappeared after that.
A week or so ago, I heard a new mashup that had Bohemian Like You included, but didn't mention it because, while it sounds pretty good, the Boho part is overall minimialized. Anyway, it is with C.C. Peniston's "Finally" and can be heard at http://soundcloud.com/mashedandconfused/finally-a-bohemian-like-you
June 5, 2012 - Upcoming Live Album Rumored; Reminder: Flavorpill Sessions Streaming Today; NYC Afterparty
In an interview, Zia said that the band is working on a live album that they hope to release in November. This isn't the first time the band has threatened to release a live album (10th anniversary in 2004, Bigger Geezers show in 2006), so we'll see... Update: It's a show from Melbourne.
A reminder:
The band is doing a live streaming performance and interview (OK, it will end up being Courtney and Brent playing Sad Vacation, You Ain't Going Nowhere and Stars) for the Flavorpill Sessions today at 2pm East Coast time. Go to http://new.livestream.com/flavorpill/dandywarhols to watch.
There is an afterparty in NYC tonight after the Irving Plaza show. It is at the Tribeca Grand Hotel. DJ Rescue (Zia) will be DJing. Email events@grandlife.com to get on the list, or just try showing up...
June 1, 2012 - More Freebies In Toronto
The band (well, more than likely will end up being a Dutch Masters appearance) will be doing an in-store performance at Sonic Boom Records in Toronto on June 3rd, at 4:30pm.
May 30, 2012 - Win Tickets To Toronto
Might as well do a few more of these... I skipped a few that were too soon before the show to bother win (9:30 club comes to mind).
Exclaim has a contest for tickets to the Toronto show on June 3rd and a signed poster.
Live N Loud Magazine was not happy about this, so they had to outdo them. They are giving away 2 tickets, 2 autographed CD's and an autographed poster.
Sidewalk Hustle wanted to make sure no one pays to get into the show, and are giving away 2 tickets and an autographed album.
May 28, 2012 - Two Current Commercials With Dandy Warhols-Relations
Saw the first one a few days back, but didn't figure to mention it until I had more stuff, to make a bigger update. Well, now a second item has surfaced. Good enough for me.
"Me And My Friends" is the background song for a new set of Chili's Restaurant ads. See it at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lnaTSW8RUA.
Jeremiah Weed (Alcoholic tea, lemonade, cola and other beverages) has a video (it is also a commercial) out that is of Z.Z. Top playing to unsuspecting people in a convenience store. One of the people is wearing a pretty cool shirt. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lnaTSW8RUA.

May 25, 2012 - Win Free Tickets; Rock'N'Roll Mama's Trailer; Immigrant Union's First Video
Zia has been involved on some level for years now with a project called "Rock'n'Roll Mamas," which is, as the title sounds, a documentary about musicians with children. The trailer has been released. Enjoy video of a young Matilda with a shitload of stuffed animals.
Brents side project, Immigrant Union, has released their first video from their debut album. It is a cover of Cheech And Chongs Up In Smoke. I know I said this before, but lots of info on Immigrant Union (and Brush Prairie) coming soon-ish.
Want to win free tickets to a few upcoming shows?
Philebrity is giving away tickets to the Philadelphia show at the Trocadero on May 30th.
Not to be outdone, Phawker is giving out free tickets to the same show.
Live in Canada? Straight has tickets to the Vancouver show on June 15th.
Think that is all for now. In the next few days, I'll be announcing the project I've been working on for the past couple months (nothing related to Immigrant Union or Brush Prairie). I am hoping it won't have been a big waste of time.
May 20, 2012 - Streaming Interview
There is a radio show on May 28th at 8pm PDT (West Coast) time at Thefive10.com with Pete. It took place before the San Francisco show, so it isn't going to be live.
May 20, 2012 - Big Update: New Upcoming Performances (Portland, Austin, Europe, Australia); Show Reviews; Machine Media
OK, been away from the computer a bit, but that doesn't mean there aren't things to mention. Here is an updated list for the bands upcoming activities:
Before the Portland show on June 16th, the band (probably end up being a Dutch Masters performance) is doing an interview and performance for KINK radio at their Bing Lounge. To enter for a chance to win tickets, go to KINK's website and follow the instructions. It comprises of joining their "community" and then randomly people will have a chance to be in the audience.
Before the show at Emos, in Austin Texas, on May 22nd, the band (probably will end up being a Dutch Masters performance) is doing a performance at the Do512 lounge as part of their Do512 Lounge Sessions series. Not sure how to get in.
Since I can't recall which ones I've mentioned, and that "Upcoming Concerts" link isn't updated (sorry. Working on another project. Will try to get to it.), here is the current list of shows for the band after their North America tour:
July 7: Øystese, Norway - BHotellfjøro Festival
July 12: Athens, Greece - Lycabettus Amphitheater
August 18: St. Polten, Austria - Frequency Festival
August 24: Charleville Mézières, France - Cabaret Vert Festival
August 25: Oudenaarde, Belgium - Feest In Hut Park
August 26: Pont de Saint-Cloud, France - Rock en Seine Festival
Meant to post this a week and a half ago, but the band will be in Australia in November and I am told will be at the Harvset Fest (Between November 10th and 18th, in Sydney, Melbourne & Brisbane). No word on real shows, but of course they will be happening.
I have added 10 show reviews to the This Machine Press Page, along with another 11 album reviews (89), 3 interviews (16), 7 articles (7) and 2 song reviews (2). Unless there is anything of note in the piece, new media updates will just be done without annoucing them. Just check the This Machine media page or the banner across the top of this front index page.
All that and I still didn't get around to updating my database for the setlists for San Francisco, L.A. or San Diego yet...
I'll be adding Immigrant Union coverage soon.
May 9, 2012 - Reviews; Streaming Acoustic Show
Been distracted by other things, so backlogged. What I can recall:
June 5th, Flavorpill will be livestreaming an acoustic set and interview with the Dandy Warhols. Video, not just audio. It starts at 2pm Eastern Standard Time (New York). It will be on Livestream and if you go sign up at the website, you can get an email or SMS (text) reminder the day of.
Added 11 more reviews and 2 more interviews to the This Machine press page. Up to 80 reviews and 13 interviews. Still haven't gotten around to the articles yet, but got half a dozen sitting waiting.
April 28, 2012 - Reviews; Interviews; Live On French Radio
Following some computer problems, which lead to much frustration, computer downtime and file recovery, I got the next batch of reviews and interviews up. Not going to bother posting each individual one (there are too many), but they are, as usual, on the This Machine press page, where there are now 68 album reviews and 11 interviews. Additional non-review/non-interview articles might be added later.
Anymore, I am not even sure how good or bad the reviews are. Dirty confession: Even I haven't read any of the reviews since maybe the first dozen.
When Courtney and Brent were in Paris last week (when they had the unannounced show at Cafe Carmen), they also recorded for a local radio station, FIP:
Live On FIP Radio - April 17, 2012.
This actually now makes it the earliest acoustic performance of any of the new tracks.
Thanks to Bertrand for sending this to me.
April 26, 2012 - More Reviews; 1776 Opening For U.S. Tour; New Athens Show; EP Has "Unreleased" Song
More reviews. Bored of them yet? I am.
Consequence Of Sound/Time
College Times
Calgary Herald
All Music
Pop Matters
1776 will be the opening band for the Dandy Warhols U.S. tour dates.
The Official Site mentioned that the band will be playing in Athens, Greece on July 12th. For or Greek visitors, or those wanting to be a tourist for a day/weekend, tickets on sale May 4th.
Add this to the "oops, forgot to mention for a while" file:
Some placed handed out a sampler CD with sales of This Machine. It contains the radio edit of Sad Vacation, Cherry Bomb and a track called "Let The Hard." While this is the first time that the Warhols have released it, last year it snuck through on a Portland compilation given out at a Google concert, but under the name "Let The Hard Rain Come." It's quite synth-y, and sounds like the chorus of Madonna's Vogue.
April 25, 2012 - More Reviews; CTT Ill
More reviews. Also added to the This Machine press page.
The Lantern
SSG Music
The Owl Mag
The Valley Advocate
Washington Times
Bellingham Herald
The band had to almost cancel the London show after Courtney came down with an ear infection. All is better now. Completely healed and over it? Not sure. Better? Yes. Additionally, they cut the show in Manchester short the day before due to him beginning to lose his voice. Something to keep an eye on this tour... ?
April 24, 2012 - Release Day Is Here; Reviews; Interviews
A/V Club
Absolute Punk
Anti Music
The Boston Pheonix
The Burg
Counteract Magazine
Daily Texan
Diamondback Online
Hot Press
The Nervous Breakdown
Pop Renegade
Pure Grain Audio
Purple Revolver
Quick Critic Music
Slug Magazine
Sputnik Music
Anti Music - Pete
Bombshell Zine - Courtney
Consequence Of Sound - Courtney
Examiner - Pete
On Milwaukee - Courtney
McGill Tribune - Courtney
Talk Rock To Me - Courtney
Additional updates will probably be announced here and will be gathered on the This Machine press page
This Day In History
This day in history, I somehow broke the "This Day In History" section.