And Then I Dreamt Of Yes

Lyrics - History/Information - Versions - Single Covers - Guitar Tabs - Legal
The information on this track are very much in question at this time. It is known that the Dandy Warhols (well, maybe only Courtney) recorded 3-5 tracks with Massive Attack (some said 3, Courtney told me 5), not including the Godless remixes. This is known to be a Massive Attack-involved song. So, it is not known if this is actually "House Of Yes" or another song similar in title named "I Dream Of Yes."

This song is also called "Downtown" at times, due to the lyrics.
` Due to the early nature of this listing, many things might change in regards to this song (such as the fact that I'm not happy with the lyrics on the site. It just doesn't sound right).