Site Updates Archive - February 2003

February 27, 2003
Added pages for all the songs from Monkey House, and updated all related menu pages. I didn't check all the links to see that they worked, so there might be problems. If so, let me know.

February 26, 2003
Added a new article that appeared in the Feb 25, 2003 issue of NME. It is an OK article, but there are quite a few small errors with it. But, it also does confirm some other facts. (Most notably release dates in the U.K.)

Big thanks to Pete Allison for sending me a copy of it from the U.K.
February 25, 2003
Added lyrics to One, another one that fell through the cracks. It is probably not 100% accurate, but thats due to some difficulties discerning between the vocal overdubbing going on.

February 24, 2003 - 2
Added more tour dates to the upcoming show page.

February 24, 2003
I realized that I had two entrie for the ROck Snob remixes of Last Junkie. If you run across any other wrong references, please write in. All Rock Snob Remix stuff should link to Thanks, folks.

February 23, 2003
Took down the search function from the front page for the time being. It was searching results for a page that I also have on this site, but that isn't related to Slabtown.Net, and I really don't want to be included in the search engine. So, until I can figure out how to get it so that one page is not going to show up in the search, its gone.

February 16, 2003
Archived all the December and January news and site update pages. Also added new archive menu pages.

February 15, 2003
Added a new "Monkeyhouse Facts" page. This page contains only the barebones of confirmed facts from the official page.

February 13, 2003
New compilation added. a 2001 Belgium-Only release called Music Vol. 1.

February 11, 2003
Thanks to Duncan, I updated the information on the "Hells Bells Sampler"... apparently it was found packed in with some 13 Tales copies at a Virgin Megastore in France. No word on other places it might have shown up... but I didn't get my copies there, so I'm not sure.

I'm in slacker mode right now again, so if I get out of it, expect some "new" articles to show up. I have about a dozen that I need to type up, but just haven't gotten around to it. All are circa 1997-1998.

February 9, 2003 - Second Update
Cleaned up the Monkeyhouse Summary page, with the new information. Since I tried to keep a lot of the older information on it as well (the old rumored album titles and such), I might make a fact/confirmation page seperate that only has the barebones known info.

February 9, 2003
- Fixed the alphabetical song listings page, so that it doesn't list songs that begin with "The" in the "T" section.
- Added The Scientist and Used To Be Friends to the alphabetical song listings pages, and took off any unconfirmed "Monkeyhouse" tracks.
- Added The Scientist to the category song listings pages, and marked confirmed "Monkeyhouse" songs as being confirmed. But I did leave up the tentative titles in that section.
- Added pages for The Scientist, Used To Be Friends and Welcome To The Monkeyhouse.

Since there have been a lot of song title changes, I don't know what criteria I am going to use when I decided if a song is to have pages made for them. For example, months ago, Plan A was 'confirmed' as being the title of the song that Simon LeBon appears on, but since I haven't heard anything about it in months, I don't know if the title has changed. Ditto for Wonderful You and Rock Bottom.

Also, very soon I plan on updating a lot of the changes on the pages previously known as "Album 4 News and Rumors" and "Album 4 Summary"...

Ooops, one more fast update... Thanks to Natalie (on an unimportant tangent, I've always loved that name), Added the opening band for the November 11, 2000 show in Salt Lake City.

February 1, 2003
I have taken the lazy route to fixing the chat room problem, and just changed its whole basis. It is now a Java-based chat, but it actually might be better. The chat link in the menu still works, so you can check it out with that. Let me know your opinion of the new chat if you get a chance.

Or just go to: I'm too nice to all of you.