MusiCalamity's ...The Dandy Warhols Come Down review (82 out of 100)

...The Dandy Warhols Come Down
by Dan McKinney
August 1, 2000

The Dandy Warhols Come Down is the latest release from (guess who?) the Dandy Warhols, a Portland, Oregon based band usually associated with drugs, 60’s trad-rock, and their hook-laden melodies. There's something intriguing about this album, and it's hard to pick up on what it is. Sure, the songs have catchy hooks that make them memorable (especially the hit single "Not If You Were the Last Junkie on Earth" and the melodic "Minnesoter"), but the album also shows a tender side to the band that had not been seen on their previous releases. Fans of harder rock will enjoy the second track, "Boys Better," which also appeared on the soundtrack for the film Good Will Hunting. Also, for some reason, the album puts me to sleep. This is definitely not a bad thing; it goes to prove that the music actually has a profound effect upon the listener (notably myself) and has the ability to alter moods. However, I feel that the album lacks fire. The curiosity behind the Dandies after their debut album put them on the map has all but faded. On this release, the band prove that they have a genuine staying power in the industry, but little else. It's a decent album, but it's not stellar. I'd recommend it to fans of 60’s psychedelic rock (The Beatles influence is certainly there!) but others may find this to be a tiring and banal listen. While the hit-caliber is certainly present, the energy is not. A mediocre rating on a mediocre album from a more or less mediocre band.