Paperback Jukebox's Dandys Rule OK review (3 out of 4 stars)

Paperback Jukebox Magazine
Dandys Rule O.K.
by Basehead
May 4, 1995

Dandy's Rule OK is the impressive debut from Portland's own Dandy Warhols. My opinion of the group as rinky-dink scenesters with pretty faces has definitely been altered for the better. It's odd and gratifying that such a relatively new band already has a uuique sound - guitar-heavy, mellow, and alternately reminiscent of both classic rock and country-western. I disliked their lack of, hmm, I suppose "restraint" is the word (some of these songs last forever and a day). It's also a shame that the Dandys' amusing anti-rock star attitude didn't seem to find its way onto the CD. Regardless, I think this group is bound for big things. Their original sound, hepcat good looks and attitude all seem to point toward potential mainstream success. If Dandys Rule Ok is an early indication, the Dandy Warhols may eventually turn into the rock stars they so mockingly despise.