The Austin Chronicle's ...The Dandy Warhols Come Down review (2 stars)

Austin Chronicle
...The Dandy Warhols Come Down
by Raoul Hernandez

...Too late. It's the next day and all you can do is ask questions and shake your head in disbelief. Can't believe you did that, can you? Well, that's what you get for having too good a time. Oh, you had fun, alright, but now there's a big mess to clean; someone vomited VU all over your precious collection of classic psychedelic pop records; beer and food are mashed into the shag of your British Bohemia go-go rug; they broke the Lava Lamp and took the strobe light; and they smoked all your pot and ate the whole blotter of acid. On your computer's save screen someone wrote "Not If You Were the Last Junkie on Earth," which is that song that goes "...heroin is so passe." That's all they wrote. Well, that and someone arranged the magnet letters on the refrigerator to read "Cool As Kim Deal," and "Hard on for Jesus." I think that's what it says, it's hard to tell -- the mess in the kitchen is worse. Hello? Are you awake? Read my lips. The place is trashed. Can't you hear your Stone Roses CD? It's been skipping like that for hours? Christ. What's that? Yeah, alright. It was fun...